Aphidoletes Aphidimyza

Aphidoletes Aphidimyza is a predatory gall midge which feeds off aphids at thir larval stage. They are introduced as cocoons and then turn into adults.
Aphidius Ervi

Aphidus Ervi is a wasp which is used for a specific type of different shaped species of aphid. This is best used for Potato aphids (macrosiphum euphorbiae) and glasshouse potato aphids (Aulacorhum solani). These aphids are are attracted by the smell of the honeydew that the aphids secrete.
The pest

Aphids suck the sap weakening plants, foliage may discolour and drop. Aphids produce a sticky deposit (honeydew) which later goes black on plants, they also transmit plant viruses. Three biological control products are available for aphid control, which include Ladybird Larvae,Lacewing Larvae and Parsitic Wasps.

Biological Control
Parasitic Wasps
Parasitic wasps are tiny parasitic wasps that lay their eggs inside aphids and then the larvae kill the aphid (the pictureis of an aphid mummy). They breed rapidly and the adults fly around searching out aphids, these best used inside especially in greenhouses.