Biological Control
Beetle Pest
Biological control of Chafer Grubs with Nematodes
Garden Chafer beetles lay eggs in lawns and grassland during July. These eggs hatch into larvae which can cause serious damage by feeding on the roots of the grasses. A number of nematode species will attack these grubs giving a reasonable of control.
The most effective nematode available in the UK is Heterorhabditis.
When to treat
From late July until the beginning of September
How to treat
Firstly, it is important that the soil is moist- nematodes are inactive in dry soils
Try to apply in the evening
Mix the nematodes with water and apply using a watering can, a sprayer or a hose end feeder. Then water the lawn again.
The unopened pack may be stored in the fridge for up to 4 weeks. Once the pack is opened it should be used immediately.