1. Ladybird larvae (Adalia bipunctata) - voracious predators which also feed on other small insects, use inside or outside at the first sign of aphids
2. Lacewing larvae (Chrysopa carnea) - voracious predators which also feed on other small insects including thrips and young caterpillars, use inside or outside at the first sign of aphids
3. Parasitic wasps (Aphidius spp.)- tiny parasitic wasps which lay their eggs inside aphids and the larvae kill the aphid. They breed rapidly and the adults fly around searching out aphids, best used inside, e.g. greenhouses.
Biological Control
Aphids suck the sap weakening plants, foliage may discolour and drop. Aphids produce a sticky deposit (honeydew) which later goes black on plants, they also transmit plant viruses. Three biological control products are available for aphid control:-